9:00 | Keynote: TLA+ at Microsoft: 16 Years in Production | David Langworthy | pptx | video |
9:45 | Building Hyperscale IoT Services With TLA+ | Vaibhav Sharma | pptx | video |
10:30 | Coffee break | | | |
11:00 | Compiling Distributed System Models into Implementations with PGo | Ivan Beschastnikh | pdf | video |
11:45 | S-expressions for Actions with Logic Temporal | David McNeil | pdf | video |
12:30 | Lunch | | | |
14:00 | Exposing Design Flaws in Shared-Clock Systems with TLA+ | Russell Mull | pdf | video |
14:25 | Using TLA+ for fun and profit in the development of Elasticsearch | Yannick Welsch | pptx | video |
14:45 | Fixing a MongoDB Replication Protocol Bug with TLA+ | William Schultz | pdf | video |
15:30 | Coffee Break | | | |
16:00 | Alloy for TLA+ users | Jay Parlar | | |
16:45 | On Advocacy and Instruction | Hillel Wayne | | |
17:30 | Discussion and wrap-up | | | |
18:00 | End of the conference | | | |
| | | | |
19:00 | Further networking during the Strange Loop Party at the City Museeum | | | |