TLA+ Tutorial 2021

A Tutorial of DISC. Online attendance is free of charge but requires prior registration.

time (CEST)titlespeakerslidesrecording
14:30-15:30Introduction to TLA+Stephan Merzpdf, EWD840, SyncTerminationDetectionvideo
15:45-16:15Symbolic model checking for TLA+ using ApalacheIgor Konnovpdfvideo extended version
16:15-16:45The TLA+ Proof SystemStephan Merzpdf, EWD840_proof, EWD840, SyncTerminationDetectionvideo
17:00-18:00Fireside chat on the use of TLA+ and its toolsIgor Konnov, Markus Kuppe, Stephan Merzvideo

Organizing Committee: Stephan Merz, Igor Konnov, Markus Kuppe